Everything you need to know about NDIS scams and how to prevent them

disabled black man showing mobile screen to friend. By Vergani Fotografia
Reading Time: 3 mins

In our fast-paced digital world, scammers are upping their game to exploit unsuspecting individuals within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) community. 

As technology advances, these scamming activities skilfully take on various forms. By diving into the intricacies of NDIS scams, people like yourself can empower themselves with the knowledge needed to stop potential threats. This understanding goes beyond recognising the conventional warning signs; it involves staying informed about the latest tactics employed by scammers and adopting proactive measures to fortify cybersecurity. 

As you continue reading, we’ll walk you through understanding what constitutes a scam, dive into the top four scams to be aware of and provide you with the tools to protect and prevent yourself from being scammed. 

What is a scam?

Scams, orchestrated by individuals commonly referred to as scammers, involve deceptive attempts to trick you into parting with your money or revealing personal information. These schemes, which don’t discriminate on backgrounds or age groups, thrive on their ability to appear genuine and catch individuals off guard. Employing tactics like friendly language and leveraging new technology, scammers craft convincing narratives that prompt victims to trust them.

The top 4 scams to be aware of:

1. Sending a Friendly Reminder Instead of an Invoice

    Sometimes, sneaky scammers try to trick you by sending what looks like a standard invoice. These fake documents might seem legit, but they ask you to send money to a different bank account. If you ever get an email like this, don’t action it until you have spoken with your service provider via phone. 

    2. Protecting Your Personal Information

    Watch out for those tricky scammers who want to get their hands on your personal information. They might send you emails with links, claiming to have important info about things like payment claims. But beware! Clicking on these links can download a program that collects your personal details. These scammers often pretend to be from government departments like NDIA or other government initiatives. 

    3. Guarding Your Plan Like a Pro

    Imagine someone sneaking into your personal information and misusing the funding set aside for your supports and services. Scary, right? To avoid this, protect your personal information from unauthorised access and monitor your NDIS funding allocations. If anything seems fishy, act quickly to secure your plan.

    4. Checking In with Trusted Contacts

    This one’s tricky – scammers pretending to be people or organisations you trust. They might say they’re from a government department or a familiar business, claiming you owe money or must pay up. Remember, we’ll never call you and threaten to cancel your plan because of money owed.

    How to protect yourself from being scammed

    The ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats necessitates staying well-informed about prevalent scam tactics and maintaining heightened vigilance when faced with unexpected messages or calls. These tips aim to empower individuals with practical insights to navigate the digital realm securely, reducing the risk of falling victim to scams and enhancing overall online security. Below are four ways to protect yourself from being scammed. 

    1. Stay Informed about Scam Tactics

    Staying well-informed about prevalent scam tactics is akin to having a roadmap through the cyber threat landscape. This knowledge enables individuals to recognise potential pitfalls and identify red flags in unexpected messages or calls, empowering them to make informed decisions about their online interactions.

    2. Maintain Heightened Vigilance

    The digital world is teeming with potential scams, making heightened vigilance a crucial defence mechanism. Individuals should exercise caution and scepticism when faced with unexpected communications. By remaining vigilant, one can effectively assess the legitimacy of messages and calls, distinguishing between genuine interactions and potential threats.

    3. Trust Your Instincts

    Trusting one’s instincts plays a pivotal role in defending against potential scams. If something feels amiss, take a moment to investigate further. This intuitive approach adds an extra layer of protection, allowing for a proactive response to potential threats.

    4. Report Suspicious Activity

    Promptly reporting any suspicious activity to the NDIA is a community-driven effort to combat scams. By sharing information about potential threats, individuals contribute to the collective security of the digital landscape, creating a safer online environment for everyone.

    At Acacia Plan Management, we’re here to support and help you. If you want to know more about scams or how to keep your family safe, reach out to our team who can help point you in the right direction for help or information about potential scams. Check out our website at www.acaciapm.com.au for more info on how we can assist you.

    Image: Vergani Fotografia – stock.adobe.com